After 12 of Europe's top teams announced their split for a new tournament, At Madrid boss Diego Simeone said there was no problem at all. He is the first manager of the 12 teams to come out to talk about it in เปิดยูส 100
Diego Simeone, trainer Atletico Madrid, the top club of the Spanish La Liga, said he had no problem with The "Bear" is one of the teams that will split up to start the Super League battle itself.
At Madrid are among the 12 teams that have announced they will withdraw from the European Football Federation (UEFA) playing a European program to organize their own roster. After that, there was still no manager of any of the 12 clubs that spoke clearly about it, such as Ole Gunnar Solcha, Manchester United manager, or Amigel R. Arsenal boss Teta avoided expressing his opin
ion when asked about it:
"I am a coach and I am ready to take charge of the team whether they instruct me to work in the league. Whichever I am sure they will decide what is best for the future of the club, ”Simeone said.